Video: Tycho and the RNDI-8
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Video: Tycho and the RNDI-8

Musician / composer / producer Tycho uses a direct box for nearly everything he records, and he's been an RNDI user for many years. Hear his thoughts on what makes it special, and why he's been excited to use the new RNDI-8.

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Rupert Neve Designs Expands Direct Interface Family with New RNDI-8
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Rupert Neve Designs Expands Direct Interface Family with New RNDI-8

With over 25,000 channels shipped since its launch in 2015, the RNDI is firmly established as the DI of choice for many of the world’s most discerning musicians and engineers. The RNDI-8 puts eight channels of this beloved circuit into a single rack space, making it the ideal solution for high-end stage rigs, studios, and synth enthusiasts.

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Customer Spotlight: The Beehive LA / Halsey's Vocal Rack
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Customer Spotlight: The Beehive LA / Halsey's Vocal Rack

“We use a ton of RND gear at the Beehive on a day to day basis, raging from DI boxes to the RMP-D8s. We are running Shelford Channels and MBCs and MBPs in almost every set up we do. RND is a staple in the quality of creative services we provide.”

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Video: The 5088 Configuration Guide
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Video: The 5088 Configuration Guide

One of the unique aspects of the 5088 is its modular design – you can start small, and expand the console as time goes on and your needs change. Watch this video to learn about the 5088's expansion & customization options.

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Tape Op Reviews the 5254 Dual Diode Bridge Compressor
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Tape Op Reviews the 5254 Dual Diode Bridge Compressor

“It has all the fabulous tone and character of the old-school diode bridge compressors, with a much lower noise floor and far greater control options. The 5254 is a unique-sounding modern classic that stands out to me as one of the most sonically pleasing, versatile new compressors I have heard in many years..”

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Customer Spotlight: Aaron Brody
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Customer Spotlight: Aaron Brody

Aaron Brody is a FOH Engineer who has worked with Kurt Vile and the Violators, Broken Social Scene, Waxahatchee, Alvvays, Wild Nothing, and many others. We first started chatting with Aaron on Instagram during a recent Kurt Vile tour, and he was kind enough to do a Spotlight piece with us. Enjoy!

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Tom Biller’s Home Studio: 5057 Orbit + MBC
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Tom Biller’s Home Studio: 5057 Orbit + MBC

Tom Biller (Fiona Apple, Liars, Kate Nash) is a producer, engineer and musician based in Pasadena, CA. He’s owned his 5057 Orbit and MBC for about a year, and graciously offered to walk us through the difference they make in his rig.

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Hi-Five Studio: From 5059 to 5088
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Hi-Five Studio: From 5059 to 5088

Ryan Rosmann has been a Rupert Neve Designs user for quite some time. His former main rig was a hybrid setup including 16 channels of Shelford 5052 and a 5059 Satellite for summing – but as Ryan’s needs grew, he decided to take the leap and upgrade to a 5088 console.

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Vintage King Studio Spotlight: Studio Hill Austin
Chris Dauray Chris Dauray

Vintage King Studio Spotlight: Studio Hill Austin

Veteran recording engineer Gerhard Joost has worked with major artists like Stevie Wonder, Usher, Missy Elliott, and Timbaland – to name a few – and is currently at the helm of Studio Hill Austin, a new recording studio in Austin, Texas that aims to produce “a new sound for the post-pandemic age”.

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