Welcome...to 1979
During the 2014 Summer NAMM show in Nashville, we had a bit of a party at a very unique studio. Co-hosted with Moog and sE Electronics, the location was WELCOME TO 1979 – a studio that instantly transports you back to a bygone era of record production with no computer screen over the console, tape machines aplenty, and lots of wooden walls.
The studio is located in a building formerly occupied by a cassette tape factory, and has lost none of its charm and vibe over the years – if anything, the vibe factor has gone through the roof.
Gear highlights of the evening included the Shelford modules (our personal throwback to the 1970’s), Moog’s Theremini and analog pedals, and sE’s Rupert Neve signature series microphones.
Human highlights of the evening included Larry Crane (TapeOp editor and proud owner of a 5088 console), Rolff Zweip (Blackbird Rentals), Marcel James (Antelope Audio), Chris Mara (owner of Welcome to 1979), several dozen Nashville musicians and engineers, and of course the traveling crew from RND, Moog, and sE.
Larry telling a tall tale to Rolff and Marcel.
"Please don't take my picture."
Good times were had by all.